What would you do to stay in your own home?
For older adults unable to, the answer is anything. Run late paying the electric bill to pay for medications. Take knobs off the stove. Skip bathing to reduce the risk of falling. All so they can be where they want to be – home.
They don’t have a choice. But you do. We are asking you to choose to make a difference by giving – to help homebound seniors remain independent for as long as possible, active older people remain fit, healthy, and involved, and help family caregivers navigate the maze of available resources.
Here are just a few ways your gift could help:
- $60 could provide 1 week of Meals on Wheels for 1 senior in need.
- $500 could provide 5 afternoons of respite HomeCare.
- $1,000 could provide 2 months of trips to life-saving dialysis appointments.
By 2030, 1 in 6 people in the world will be 60 years or older. That means 26% of Arkansans will be 60+. And by 2050, the world’s population of seniors will double to 2.1 BILLION.
Help us make an impact NOW. Together we can build a future where older Arkansans live happy, healthy, and independent – at home.
More Ways To Give

Give Monthly
Give monthly, and join a passionate community invested in keeping aging adults where they want to be – home.

Corporate Sponsorship
Our Corporate Sponsors support seniors while being recognized in meaningful ways.

Give by Check
PO Box 3140
Little Rock, AR 72203